Let's Overeat Protein To Lose Fat

  Yes, I know the protein topic can be confusing. Some guys on YouTube say that you can’t gain fat by overeating protein and others, like me, say that it is possible. Actually, the fact that it is not only possible, but in certain cases pretty likely is the content of the science- and evidence-based Bayesian Personal Trainer Course. If you want to learn how to distinguish real science from bro-science and maximize your muscle gains, check out this course!

Let's get back to the protein overeating issue. The best way to look at it is to separate theory from practice.


A person CAN gain fat if he/she eats too much protein. Some amino acids, aka glucogenic amino acids, can be converted to glucose and glucose can used to produce fat. Other amino acids, aka ketogenic amino acids, can be converted to a molecule called acetyl-CoA. Acetyl-CoA can be used either for fatty acid synthesis or transformed into ketone bodies, which are used as fuel. Thus, if there is enough energy available coming from over-consumed amino acids then a person doesn’t burn the stored fat. One may even end up storing fat if glucose and acetyl-CoA - made out of excessive amino acids - are used for fatty acid synthesis.

If you are one of the biochem nerds check outmy video

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It is difficult to overeat protein because of its satiating effect.(1–3) Also, protein has a higher thermic effect (~30%) than carbs (~5-10%) and fat (0-5%). This means 30% of the energy you get from protein is used for its own digestion.

Now, let's have a look at some research - in both of these studies resistance trained individuals over-consumed protein (4.4g/kg and 3.5g/kg) in isolation.(4,5) Other nutrients were kept nearly the same in the study group and in the control group. The subjects in both groups didn't gain fat on average, also those who were overeating protein and consequently consuming more total calories (500 – 800 kcal/day).

Interestingly, according to my calculations the subjects in both studies weren't in caloric surplus. Most of them ate a maintenance diet or maybe even slightly more or less energy than they required. Why should they have gained fat? Gaining lots of fat without an excessive calorie intake doesn't really make sense.

Thus, let's have a look at two different studies, in which the subjects were actually overeating (19-20.6 kcal per lb body weight compared to 12-17 kcal/lb in the studies above). One of the studies examined the effects of carbohydrates and protein overeating in comparison to carbohydrate over-consumption (214 g P + 495 g C vs. 90 g P + 597 g C).(6) The energy and fat intake was nearly the same for both groups. And surprise, surprise, there was no significant difference in fat gain. Both groups gained a similar amount of fat. Why didn’t the high protein group gain less?

In the second study, the subjects overate fat and protein in different ratios (45%C/15%P/40%F vs. 45%C/25%P/30%F) consuming basically an isoenergetic diet.(7) Again, also in this study both groups experienced an identical level of weight / fat gain.

Wrap up

It is important to look at the total energy intake and not only at protein intake. Studies conducted in energy surplus, over-consuming both, protein and another macronutrient, suggest that it is possible to gain fat from protein over-consumption. If protein is over-consumed in energy balance or energy deficit, then fat gain is less likely. Why the hell should one gain fat not eating ‘enough’?

How to get a ‘real’ answer to the ‘excess-protein-causes-weight-gain question’?

To get some solid evidence if excess protein causes weight gain, we would need a study, in which both study groups would consume only protein and nothing else (to exclude other effects, such as hormonal effects). Hypothetical study design: one group consumes an excessive amount of protein eating a calorie surplus diet. The other group (control group) eats the amount of protein that is needed to cover the daily energy requirements. What we want to see is if the group with excessive protein AND energy intake gained more fat than the control group. However, who would like to take part in such a study drinking only protein shakes for weeks? ;)


  1. Veldhorst M a. B, Westerterp KR, Westerterp-Plantenga MS. Gluconeogenesis and protein-induced satiety. Br J Nutr. 2012;107(04):595–600.
  2. Leidy HJ, Todd CB, Zino AZ, Immel JE, Mukherjea R, Shafer RS, et al. Consuming High-Protein Soy Snacks Affects Appetite Control , Satiety , and Diet Quality in Young People and Influences Select Aspects of Mood and Cognition. 2015;145(7):1614-1622.
  3. Ortinau LC, Hoertel H a, Douglas SM, Leidy HJ. Effects of high-protein vs. high- fat snacks on appetite control, satiety, and eating initiation in healthy women. Nutr J. 2014;13(1):97. 
  4. Antonio J, Peacock C a, Ellerbroek A, Fromhoff B, Silver T. The effects of consuming a high protein diet (4.4 g/kg/d) on body composition in resistance-trained individuals. J Int Soc Sports Nutr [Internet]. 2014;11(1):19. 
  5. Antonio J, Ellerbroek A, Silver T, Orris S, Scheiner M, Gonzalez A, et al. A high protein diet (3.4 g/kg/d) combined with a heavy resistance training program improves body composition in healthy trained men and women – a follow-up investigation. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition; 2015;12(1):39.
  6. Spillane M, Willoughby DS. Daily Overfeeding from Protein and / or Carbohydrate Supplementation for Eight Weeks in Conjunction with Resistance Training Does not Improve Body Composition and Muscle Strength or Increase Markers Indicative of Muscle Protein Synthesis and Myogenesis in. 2016;(November 2015):17–25.
  7. Bray G a, Redman LM, de Jonge L, Covington J, Rood J, Brock C, et al. Effect of protein overfeeding on energy expenditure measured in a metabolic chamber. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015 Mar;101(3):496–505. 

The complete 'incomplete protein' story

Are you confused which plant protein sources to eat to get a complete amino acid profile? What is a complete amino acid composition? Isn’t it sufficient to eat ‘just enough’ protein?

Actually, we don’t need protein, what we need are particular amino acids. Although most recommendations speak about the protein requirement, the actual requirement is for amino acids, not for protein.1 Amino acids are building blocks for proteins. There are 20 different amino acids that are crucial for protein synthesis. You can imagine a protein as a long chain composed of different amino acids.All organisms - no matter if bacteria, plants or animals - contain proteins. Proteins have not only structural function (e.g. muscle), but also a variety of vital functions for all organisms. Enzymes, antibodies, ribosomes, all of these are proteins. The only difference between proteins found in different species is the amino acid composition, thus the ratio of individual amino acids. To apply the chain analogy: it means that all chains (proteins found in different species) contain all of the 20 different amino acids. However, not all chains have the same number of single amino acids.

Why is the amino acid composition important?

Humans cannot produce all of the 20 biologically important amino acids. Some of the amino acids, aka essential amino acids (EAA), we have to get from food. In general, most plant foods have a lower content of at least one of the essential amino acids compared to animal protein sources. This is the reason why plant protein is often considered to be incomplete. However, not all plant foods are low in the same essential amino acid. For instance, cereal grains are low in lysine, which is the limiting amino acid for many plant protein sources. On the contrary, legumes have significantly higher lysine content, but are lower in sulfur containing amino acids (Fig. 1). For this reason, it often is not enough just to get “only” enough protein, if the protein source is low in one of the essential amino acids.


Figure 1. Content (in milligrams) of essential amino acids lysine and sulfur containing amino acids per 100 g of the selected foods. Cereal grains have relatively high sulfur containing amino acid content compared to their lysine content. For legumes applies the opposite.

Although, it is in theory possible to obtain the recommended daily allowance on essential amino acid from one food source, in most cases an enormous food volume has to be consumed to hit the recommended target.2 For instance, for a 70 kg (154 lb) person it would require the consumption of 1.75 kg (3.85 lb) bread or 3.6 kg (7.92 lb) cooked rice to ensure an adequate intake of the limiting amino acid lysine (as shown in Figure 2). In this case, in order to obtain an adequate amount of the limiting amino acid, other amino acids are over consumed. As you can see in the Figure 2, sulfur-containing amino acids exceed the theoretical requirement (indicated by the red dashed line). For high carbohydrate fruit-based diets it is even more difficult to meet essential amino acid requirements. Let’s take bananas as an example. To reach the recommended lysine intake a daily consumption of 7 kg (15.4 lb) bananas is required. Getting enough of sulfur containing amino acids would require the consumption of 10 kg (22 lb) bananas a day! This huge food quantity is needed just to get the MINIMUM requirement of these essential amino acids. To what extent the human body can adapt to a very low essential amino acid diet is not entirely clear. However, I am very skeptical about the idea that most people (genetic freaks excluded) can thrive on such a diet.

Through a combination of different plant protein sources it is possible to meet the targeted daily allowance of essential amino acids and to obtain a more balanced amino acid distribution. An example for a suitable food combination is the ‘300 g tofu and 400 g rice’ meal shown in Figure 2. This food amount can be easily divided into 2 main meals and is sufficient to meet the requirement for a sedentary 70 kg person.


Figure 2. The amount of different foods necessary to meet the estimated daily requirement for a 70 kg (152 lb) person. The dashed red lines highlight the theoretically required amino acid quantity. The meal consisting of ‘300 g tofu and 400 g rice’ provides the required amino acid quantity in contrast to the same foods when consumed in isolation when not overconsumed.

Using only one protein source to meet essential amino acids requirement can have additional disadvantages. Overconsumption of a certain macronutrient is one of them. Just to give an example: the use of a high carbohydrate and lower protein source, such as bread, to meet essential amino acid requirements drastically increases the amount of carbohydrates in the diet. Getting most of the dietary protein from nuts would lead to very high fat content. Carbohydrate or fat overconsumption is likely to increase the energy intake above the required level and lead to undesired fat gain for most individuals.

If you need ideas how to combine food sources efficiently to get the desired macronutrient distribution following a balanced diet, check this out.

Even if a food source with a higher protein content, such as tofu is chosen, relying on it as a major protein source may have some disadvantages. Although legumes, such as soy, contain compounds that are in general associated with health benefits,3 eating too much of them can also cause micronutrient deficiencies (iron, zinc and calcium) with unbalanced nutrition or undernourishment.4

Do we really need to track all essential amino acids individually to prevent a possible deficiency?

No, not really, provided that a person eats enough protein. In this case, the recommended daily allowance (RDA) of 0.8 g/kg (0.36 g/lb) is definitely not enough. RDA was established using 2/3 animal products with a higher essential amino acid content compared to plant protein sources. Also, RDA characterizes the protein amount at which the risk of becoming protein deficient is very low (<3%) for most sedentary people (as I explain here). To put number on it (YES, I love numbers!), in theory, it is necessary to consume 16% more protein than RDA suggests for people following a well-balanced plant-based diet. This means that a 70 kg person needs to consume 65 g protein (not 56 g as RDA states) to meet the minimal (not optimal!) essential amino acid recommendation.

Take-home message

  1. Eat a variety of protein sources if you follow a plant-based diet, e.g. soy products, beans, lentils, grains, nuts and seeds. Supplement with plant-based protein powders if necessary.
  1. Eat at least 16% more protein than RDA recommends (for healthy individuals)

Side note

When it comes to muscle building, often the importance of leucine for muscle protein synthesis is emphasized (see my previous post). In this context it is important to note that leucine gives the signal for muscle protein synthesis, however, all amino acids (especially essential) are required as building blocks for muscle. For this reason, supplementation with leucine as the only amino acid is not likely to be a promising strategy.


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(1)      Baechle, T. R.; Earle, R. W. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning; 2008.

(2)      Young, V. R.; Pellett, P. L. Am. J. Clin. Nutr.1994, 59, 1203S–1212S.

(3)      Threapleton, D. E.; Greenwood, D. C.; Evans, C. E. L.; Cleghorn, C. L.; Nykjaer, C.; Woodhead, C.; Cade, J. E.; Gale, C. P.; Burley, V. J. BMJ2013, 347, f6879.

(4)      Schlemmer, U.; Frølich, W.; Prieto, R. M.; Grases, F. Mol. Nutr. Food Res.2009, 53, S330–S375.

(5)         Nutritional information take from: http://nutritiondata.self.com/

Carb & Fat Blockers - Backed up by Science?

Who isn’t tempted by the idea? - Eat as much as you want and lose weight at the same time. That’s the reason why fad diets attract so many people after all.

Eat as much starch as you want (starch solution), eat as much fruit as you want (801010), and so on.

But wouldn’t it be great to abandon the restriction of the fad diets and just eat whatever you want without all the calories from it?

That’s where carb blockers and fat binders come into the game.

Calorie Blockers.png


Carb Blockers

Carb blocker are substances, usually extracted from white kidney beans, that block carbohydrate-digesting enzymes.

However, the name 'carb blocker' may be overestimated to some degree. Carb blockers (aka extract of Phaseolus vulgaris) don’t inhibit all carbohydrate-digesting enzymes; they act only on amylases, the enzymes that digest complex carbs (starches). Simple carbs (sugars), either don’t need to be digested to be taken up by the body or are converted into absorbable forms by other enzymes.


Carbs that can be potentially blocked by carb blockers: Starches coming from foods like

-        Bread

-        Pasta

-        Grains, like rice, oats, quinoa, etc.

-        Legumes, like chickpeas, beans, lentils, etc.

-        Starchy veggies, like potatoes


Carbs that aren’t blocked by carb blockers: All simple carbs like glucose, fructose and sucrose found in

-        Fruits

-        Sugary junk food, like candies, ice cream, chocolate

-        Sugar-containing soft drinks


How effective are carb blockers?

One shouldn’t forget that enzymes are highly efficient ‘machines’ that evolved and were optimized over the past hundreds of thousands of years. Even if one fraction of enzymes in the digestive tract is inhibited, the few remaining are so potent that they can digest a significant amount of starch molecules. It will just take longer. Thus, you can’t expect that by taking a carb blocker you can block starch digestion and absorption completely.

 Also, there is the chance that the starch that doesn’t get digested and absorbed will be converted into short chain fatty acids by the intestinal microbiota. These short chain fatty acids are taken up by the human body and contribute to ingested calories.

Let’s do the numbers – which is a very speculative idea from my side:

An in vitro (in the reagent tube) research study has shown that amylase inhibitors have the potential to inhibit about 50% of starch-digesting enzymes. Although this finding is not directly transferable to what happens in the human body, let’s assume that 50% of the starch is digested and absorbed. The remaining 50% will be processed by the gut bacteria, giving us 50-75% of the energy in the form of short chain fatty acids (under the assumption that starches are treated like fibers and possess the same calories content after being transferred to short chain fatty acids).

Making these speculative and very vague assumptions, we would, in theory, still get over 75% of the calories for the eaten starches and lose only 12.5-25% (in the ideal case).

Well, 12.5-25% is better than nothing, but it definitely doesn’t support the idea of eating as many carbs as one wants without gaining weight.


Stop the speculations and speak about real humans!

Multiple human studies were conducted to assess the efficiency of carb blockers on weight loss in real life settings (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). The evidence in support of carb blockers is mixed and inconsistent. The effectiveness of carb blockers depends on the amount and the type of carbohydrates in the diet. Some research studies have found no significant difference in weight loss between the carb blocker and the placebo group (4, 6), whereas others did (2, 3, 5). However, even the studies that found a difference, couldn’t present any impressive findings. The average weight loss rate in most studies was about 1 kg per month. Considering that participants in all studies were overweight or obese individuals and the trials were often combined with a calorie-restricted diet, the effectivity of carb blockers is pretty poor in my opinion.


Fat Binders

A fat binder (aka chitosan) is a substance that is supposed to bind fat in the intestine and prevent fat from being absorbed. According to fat binder sellers, 2 capsules of a fat binder containing 1 g of the active compound can bind 60 g fat. This sounds like a dream! Sadly, there is a ‘but’. It is likely this amazing finding was obtained in an in vitro study, in which fat, water and chitosan were mixed in a reagent tube to detect how much fat chitosan can bind. Studies conducted in humans show less optimistic findings.

In a research study in which the participants supplemented with 15 capsules a day (5.25 g chitosan) and consumed 135 g of fat daily, the fat absorption in participants was the same before chitosan supplementation compared to the days when the supplement was taken (6a, 6b).

Another study examining supplementation with 2.5 g chitosan per day found out that chitosan could prevent the absorption of 1.8 g fat per day in men, but had no effect on female participants (7). These findings are in line with a third study that found that fat absorption decreased by 1.1 g per day in men supplementing with 10 capsules of chitosan per day (8).

These findings suggest that one fat burner capsule has the ability to bind 0.11 g fat. Considering that the average price for a fat burner capsule is 60 cents when purchased from a bulk supplement supplier, the best advice I can give is:


If you want the same effect that fat binders provide and save money at the same time, eat 1 g fat less in a day. It will save you 9 kcal and 6 Euros (which is nearly the same in US$).

Weight loss studies over a prolonged time period (up to 6 months) examining chitosan supplementation found either no difference in fat loss between the supplementation and placebo group (9, 10) or a small difference. Also, a review reviewing research studies on fat binders concluded that chitosan’s effect on weight loss is minimal (12). The highest fat loss seen from starting chitosan supplementation was 1% body fat loss in 3 months in overweight individuals (13). However, given the participants didn’t change their habitual energy intake throughout the study, which was considerably low with 1700-1800 kcal per day anyway, it is possible that an increase in activity led to increased fat loss in the supplementation group. As the activity level was not monitored, it is not possible to exclude this possible confounding factor. Another research study reported about a decrease in body fat by 0.8% body fat in 2 months in the supplementation group (11). A possible confounding factor in this study is that not all subjects provided dietary records and that there was a trends towards decreased fat intake in the chitosan supplementation group.


When Taking Blockers Makes Sense

As should be clear by now, fat binders seem to be a pure waste of money. Eating a few grams less of fat per day is as efficient as taking fat binders, and much cheaper too.

Carb blockers are more interesting. They can be a useful tool in the big pool of weight loss tools. It doesn’t make sense to make carb blockers an everyday component of a weight loss diet. A weight loss diet shouldn’t be centered around starches anyway. Getting majority of calories from satiating, nutrient-dense food like vegetables, combined with sufficient protein and (essential) fatty acid sources should be the prime goal of an energy-restricted diet plan. Starches, especially refined starches like white bread, don’t fulfil the beforementioned criteria. There is, however, one exception: potatoes – they performed very well on the satiety level and aren’t too bad regarding their nutrient content. The same may apply to other starchy vegetables, however, at this point I extrapolate the data based on my assumptions and not proven research findings.


Carb blockers can be a useful tool for social events, like birthdays, meals out with friends or similar occasions. When you are on a weight loss diet, it makes sense to avoid any unnecessary calories.

When you go out and want to minimize the damage by taking carb blockers, follow these points to benefit from carb blockers the most:

-        Choose foods that are satiating, higher in starches and low in fat and sugar. Good choices are starchy veggies like potatoes. However, don’t choose French fries or fried potatoes, as they violate the low fat criterion.

-        Get protein and lots of fiber-rich veggies with your meal, regardless of whether you take carb blockers or not, as they are filling. The more you fill yourself up with satiating lower-calorie food, the less high-calorie food you will fit in.


And don’t forget: carb blockers are a damage-reduction tool after a starchy meal, not the ‘free ticket’ to overeat on starches.


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Are there genetic benefits of eating beef?

Just recently, a post/interview was sent to me asking for my opinion. The topic was: research shows that there are genetic benefits of eating beef. I decided to have a closer look at it, as the topic looked interesting.

Research background: One research study found that eating red meat was associated with longer telomeres.

What the hell are telomeres?

Telomeres are ‘caps’ at the end of our DNA. These are repetitive sequences at the ends of our chromosomes. Telomeres protect chromosomes from fusing with each other and other disastrous events. Every time cells divide and chromosomes replicate, small bits of telomeres get chopped off. Short telomeres are associated with aging and the risk of developing cancer. In contrast, longer telomeres are associated with longevity.


Back to the research study: The researchers attained unexpected findings when they examined 28 individuals. The people who ate more red meat had longer telomeres. This finding is surprising, because previous research studies have either reported that red meat consumption had a negative effect on telomere length or no effect.

Also, the beforementioned research study found that smoking has no effect on telomere length as well as physical exercise. These findings are equally surprising, as it is a no-brainer and pretty much established knowledge (that’s why I don’t provide any references) that smoking is bad for you and exercise is good for you.


Ok, here is the problem: the research study that found beneficial effects of red meat consumption on telomere length and no negative effect of smoking was most likely statistically underpowered. In this study, only 28 people were examined. In other studies, which I have mentioned above, up to 70 times that amount were studied; 840 subjects in one study and 1958 subjects in the other. It is likely that the findings that red meat has a positive effect on telomere length, thus longevity, and smoking and exercise have no effect were obtained just by chance. Even the researchers wrote in their paper:

“The study did not confirm negative effect of smoking on telomere length. This finding is probably associated with insufficient sample size. Statistical analysis also excluded the effects of smoking as a covariate modifying the TL among red meat consumers. The observation study continues and we expect changes after its completion.”


As this is an observational study, the researchers will follow the participants for another 3 years, repeat the measurements and see if the findings change (which is very likely in my opinion).


Take home-message:

-        It is not the researchers’ fault that they got very questionable findings and not enough subjects. Everyone who conducts research studies knows how hard it is to get a high subject number. The researchers just reported the results they got (and they were pretty surprised about their findings).

-        The problem is that some people cherry pick the studies that appeal to them and don’t look at the collective evidence. If the majority of evidence (with much higher subject numbers) shows a negative effect or no effect, the findings of one underpowered research study are just not strong enough to make a point.


Want me to tell you everything once again? Then watch this video.  


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Flexible Dieting - the incredible doughnut solution


Flexible dieting or IIFYM (if it fits your macros) – lively discussed, propagated and misunderstood.

Social media is filled with pictures of doughnuts, cakes, pop tarts, pizza and Co. This trend certainly counteracts the entire ‘clean eating movement’ telling us for years that we have to eat only healthy food in order to get a great looking body.

What is IIFYM?

The IIFYM principle is often misunderstood. Certainly, to some extent it is true, that following IIFYM one can eat whatever one wants, as long the total food amount one consumes is within the target calorie and nutrient (carbohydrates, protein and fat) range for the day. This is the point: nobody can eat tons of fast food all the time magically consuming the number of calories, that leads to weight loss, in case this is the desired goal. High calorie food has to be balanced out with low calorie food to hit the desired numbers of calories and macronutrients. Basically, if a person consumes the entire daily “calorie budget” in one meal, all the other meals have to be very low on calories (e.g. lots of veggies) in order not to exceed the daily target. What gives a wrong impression about flexible dieting is the fact, that most people rather prefer to post pictures of a stack of pancakes than a plate full of veggies.

Controversially, the most important principle of flexible dieting is making healthy food to the foundation of one’s diet to support the individual goals. In theory, the desired macronutrient and calorie targets can be met by a combination of sugar, protein powder and oil. Although, this food selection is theoretically possible, it is neither healthy nor recommended. For a healthy diet micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) and fiber are crucial, however lacking in the mentioned food combination. Fiber, acting as a prebiotic, is essential for a healthy gut microbiota composition, which is a significant contributor to our health.1 In most cases, adverse health effects are not caused by eating a certain food type or nutrient, but by not getting enough of other important nutrients. Occasional junk food consumption does not lead to obesity. The same applies to protein, it is most likely that it is not a high protein diet that causes all kind of diseases, but the lack of vegetables.2

Benefits of flexible dieting

For some people, flexible dieting is common sense and regulated by body’s natural mechanisms. In theory, the consumption of a high calorie meal should reduce hunger and increase the preference for eating a lighter, lower calorie meal later the day. However, it doesn’t work for everyone, in particular, because of psychological or psychobiological factors.

People who eat a high calorie diet (mostly high sugar and fat) have an altered hormonal response to food intake.3 Eating junk food on a regular basis has an addictive-like effect.4 Overeating on sugar and fat makes us craving even more of these nutrients and increasing our portion sizes. Going cold turkey and cutting out all calorie dense food at once is difficult, because of its addictive-like effect and not absolutely necessary. In this case, flexible dieting approach could help making the diet healthier by increasing the amount of lower calorie foods (such as veggies) and keeping the food one enjoys in the diet plan in reasonable amounts. It is very challenging to stick to a diet one hates.

Flexible dieting also is beneficial for people who follow a strict, calorie reduced diet regime. For instance bodybuilding competitors during contest preparations often feel deprived. This increases the chance of overeating or binge eating, once one is faced an unpredicted situation (e.g. food choice outside home) or when self-control is lacking. Everybody is stressed, tired or has a bad day from time to time challenging the will power to stick to a strict diet. Flexible dieting approach could help to avoid control loss in such situations. It prevents categorizing food into ‘good and bad’ or ‘allowed and forbidden’. By nature, most of the time we want the things we cannot get or are not allowed to have. Removing high calorie food from the ‘forbidden list’ will most likely decrease our desire to consume it whenever possible.

How to apply the flexible dieting principle

I already wrote one blog post on IIFYM some time ago. However, not giving concrete examples, I realized, that some people struggle with the application of this principle. For this reason, I would like to include an application example here. Let’s say, I would like to fit two Oreos into my healthy, balanced diet. Adding something that was not planned requires removing some of the initally planned food from my meal plan for the day.

Two Oreos have the following approxiamate nutritional composition:

106 kcal, 15g carbs, 1g protein and 4.5g fat

As Oreos mostly consist of carbohydrates and fat, I need to remove a carbohydrate source (e.g. fruit) and a fat source (e.g. nuts) from my diet in order to compensate for the consumed Oreos.

For example, four almonds and one small apple could do the job:

4 almonds (8g) – 50 kcal/ 0g carbs/ 1.5g protein/ 5g fat

1 small apple (100g) – 53 kcal/ 13 g carbs/ 0g protein/ 0g fat

total of which (103 kcal/ 13g carbs/ 1.5g protein/ 5g fat) is very similar to the nutrient content of two Oreos.

In some cases, it makes sense not only replacing some food, but also adding a certain nutrient. For example, when food with high protein content (e.g. tofu) was replaced by food with a different macronutrient distribution (e.g. pasta - high carb), it may become difficult to hit the desired protein target for the day. Here, the easiest option to ‘regain’ the removed protein without adding many extra calories is to consume a protein shake. Protein powder, as isolated macronutrient, is very convenient to make up for the missing protein.

Bottom line

Flexible dieting is not about eating cookies, cakes, pizza & Co. all the time and getting the body you want this way, except,

  • you have serious problems to gain weight and this is your goal or
  • you are a genetic freak who doesn’t gain weight or
  • have a serious illness that prevents weight gain.

Everything is about balance and moderation. Demonizing entire food groups and eating only ‘super healthy foods’ is not particularly healthy for the mental health. Smart, not strict, is the motto here.

 Interested in vegan, high-protein, guilt-free treats that fit your macos? Get your free recipe ebookby subscribing to my list ;-) 


  1. Arora, T., Sharma, R. & Frost, G. Propionate. Anti-obesity and satiety enhancing factor? Appetite56, 511–5 (2011).
  2. Schwalfenberg, G. K. The alkaline diet: is there evidence that an alkaline pH diet benefits health? J. Environ. Public Health2012, 727630 (2012).
  3. Singh, M. Mood, food, and obesity. Front. Psychol.5, 1–20 (2014).
  4. Schulte, E. M., Avena, N. M. & Gearhardt, A. N. Which foods may be addictive? The roles of processing, fat content, and glycemic load. PLoS One10, e0117959 (2015).

If you 'don’t lose weight' then your fat loss diet is successful - Dieting plateaus and weight fluctuations


Plateaus and weight fluctuations while dieting - Who doesn’t know that?

Almost everyone who diets hits a plateau after some time. This often leads to frustration. Then sudden weight fluctuations (gains or drops) happen overnight. With this article I would like to shed light on the mysterious weight loss process.

Often, when we start dieting we see a significant weight drop (a few kilograms) in the first days. Then, the number on scale gets stuck and doesn’t decrease for a long time until a sudden drop occurs.

The weight loss seen at the beginning of a diet is primary due to water loss and the loss of food volume/weight from our gastrointestinal tract, as usually we reduce our food intake.

Why does water loss occur?

Processed foods. Reduction of processed food intake can lead to water loss. Processed foods often contain a high amount of salt and high glycemic index (GI) carbohydrates, such as sugar and starch. Salt retains water in the body. High GI carbohydrates increase insulin, which leads to salt retention that in turn results in water retention.1 For this reason, cutting out processed food naturally reduces sodium intake and induces the loss of retained water.

Glycogen depletion. Additionally, calorie and carbohydrate reduction also results in water loss. A significant amount of glycogen (carbohydrate reserves) is stored in our muscles.2 One gram of glycogen binds 4 grams of water. In the first days of dieting, when we deplete glycogen stores, we not only lose our carbohydrate stores but also lots of water. One study put numbers on it and measured weight loss (not fat loss) of 11 women after 4 days of a highly calorie restricted diet (energy intake of ~400 kcal/d).2 On average, the subjects lost 4 kg, whereas a weight loss of 2 kg was observed at the lower end of the spectrum and 7.4 kg in the extreme case. Indeed, one of the subjects lost entire 7.4 kg in 4 days. Clearly, this weight was not fat but probably mostly water (7.4 kg fat loss would theoretically require an energy expenditure of over 63,000 kcal, which cannot be achieved in 4 days).

After the first week, when the body adjusted to the new diet and no drastic changes happen any more, often a weight loss plateau occurs. The number on scale decreases very slowly, if at all. During this mentally challenging time, when we don’t see any progress and doubt the efficiency of the weight loss diet, only one high salt and/or high carbohydrate meal can lead to drastic “weight gain”. It seems like we gained all the weight we lost overnight, just from a single meal (see image). However, as you already suspect it isn’t the case, at least not for fat gain. High salt/carbohydrate intake leads to water retention (exactly the opposite of what happened in the first days when we reduced those nutrients) and the number on scale increases. Here, the most important thing is not to panic and keep dieting. The gained water weight disappears again after a few days.

All these effects I have experienced myself when I was cutting weight to get into the descried weight class for a powerlifting completion. The image above presents the data of my own “case study”

However, during long weight loss diets, a high carbohydrate meal can be beneficial to drop water weight. During long periods of caloric restriction, especially when accompanied by high exercises volume, the cortisol level (stress hormone) increases. Too much cortisol is associated with muscle degradation, decreased immune function, impeded recovery6 and water retention (see Minnesota Starvation Experiment). One of cortisol’s physiological roles is to guarantee energy availability in times of energy deficit (to keep blood sugar high enough for essential functions). For this reason, we have the highest cortisol levels in the morning after an overnight fast.3 A carbohydrate rich meal increases blood sugar and decreases the need for cortisol secretion. This decreases cortisol level and leads to the “magic” water loss overnight.

Theoretical considerations about weight loss

Often, when we diet and see only slow weight loss (less than one pound per week) we feel as if our diet doesn’t work. However, one pound for week is a good number, considering that the general recommendation is not losing more than 0.5-1% of body weight per week.4 A reasonable calorie deficit of 500 kcal per day results in approx. 400 g fat loss (1g fat = 9kcal) per week, in theory (although biological system, such a human bodies, don't necessarily follow theories). Sadly, 400 g per week we often don’t even consider as weight loss and are disappointed about the results.

What should we do - increase calorie deficit and exercise volume?

Well, a high calorie deficit (such as ~ 800kcal/ day) is very likely to lead to significant muscle loss, as seen in a recent study on a competitive bodybuilder.5 The weight he lost dieting for a competition consisted of 43% lean body mass. This is definitely not ideal, as most people would like to lose fat and not muscle.

Additionally, high training volume and short rest periods result in increased cortisol secretion, which can lead to problems mentioned above (such as catabolic effects).6

For this reason, drastic calorie restrictions and very high training volumes are not an optimal dieting strategy in my opinion.

Bottom line

If you are on your weight loss journey and have the feeling that nothing happens or you lose weight too slowly (around 400g/ 1lbs per week) and you are really sure to be in caloric deficit, then relax and remember, that slow weight loss is consistent weight loss. Rapid weight drop is often caused by water loss and is not sustainable, as the weight will probably increase after the next carbohydrate/salt-rich meal.

If you diet for a long time and nothing happens, then your stress hormones may be elevated. In this case, the better strategy might be to increase your calorie intake (if calories are severely restricted) and reduce your exercise volume (if your exercise volume is too high) instead of cutting calories even more and further increasing exercise volume.

Side note for women: Premenstrual symptom (PMS) can induce water retention of up to 2kg/ ~5 lbs due to hormonal changes. This is an additional factor to consider.


  1. Osterberg, K. L., Pallardy, S. E., Johnson, R. J. & Horswill, C. a. Carbohydrate exerts a mild influence on fluid retention following exercise-induced dehydration. J. Appl. Physiol.108, 245–50 (2010).
  2. Kreitzman, S. N., Coxon, Y. & Szaz, K. F. Glycogen storage : illusions of easy weight weight regain , and distortions in estimates of body composition3. Am J Clin Nutr56, 292S–293S (1992).
  3. Kaushik, A., Vasudev, A., Arya, S. K., Pasha, S. K. & Bhansali, S. Recent advances in cortisol sensing technologies for point-of-care application. Biosens. Bioelectron.53, 499–512 (2014).
  4. Helms, E. R., Aragon, A. a & Fitschen, P. J. Evidence-based recommendations for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: nutrition and supplementation. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr.11, 20 (2014).
  5. Robinson, S. L., Lambeth-Mansell, A., Gillibrand, G., Smith-Ryan, A. & Bannock, L. A nutrition and conditioning intervention for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: case study. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr.12, 1–11 (2015).
  6. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 3rd Edition, Baechle, T. R. & Earle, R. W.

Let's burn fat and keep muscle


Weight loss - At some point most of us have this goal. There are so many different motivations for it; health, improved body composition, enhanced strength to weight ratio or - what applies to me as a strength athlete - getting into the desired weight for a competition. For most of us the goal is not only losing weight (fat) but also mantaining muscle and strength.

“Which dieting strategy is the best to reach my goals?” - this is a frequently asked question in facebook groups I admin.

There are so many different approaches. Is low carb & high fat (aka keto-diet) really better than high carb & low fat? Or is it the other way round?

First of all, the best dieting strategy is the one that works for you and you feel the most comfortable with. If you hate your diet, then it is very difficult to stick to it and not to rebound (start eating all the food you love, but weren’t allowed to eat while dieting) after you reached your goal.

In my ‘science and evidence-based opinion’, it does not really matter which strategy to follow. Diets that are high/low in carbs/fat can be equally good, as long as enough protein is consumed (≥ 25% calories from protein)1 and adequate caloric deficit is created.

Caloric deficit

Caloric deficit is crucial for weight loss goals. However, it should not be too high (~ 800kcal/day) not to risk losing too much muscle mass. Studies examining a smaller caloric deficit of ~300 kcal/day showed more muscle retention when calories are restricted.2


Steady state cardio increases energy expenditure and may support the weight loss process. However, too much cardio is definitely not ideal, especially for people who are interested in maintaining their strength and muscle.2 Structured resistance training is crucial to preserve muscle mass under calorie deficit.1

Carbohydrate and fat intake

Adequate carbohydrate intake is very important, particularly for individuals who are already lean and want to lose more weight (e.g. competitive bodybuilders or weight class athletes). Weight loss studies in which higher carbohydrate to fat ratio was consumed showed better results regarding muscle mass retention.2 This suggests that keeping carbohydrate intake as high as possible is a reasonable strategy. There are several reasons for the importance of carbohydrates during weight loss process.

  1. The levels of satiety hormone leptin respond to carbohydrates. Low leptin level results in decreased satiety and increased hunger.1
  2. Low carbohydrate intake may decrease thyroid hormone production and slow down metabolism. When food/energy intake decreases, our bodies try to utilize the available energy as efficient as possible. This leads to a drop in the total daily energy expenditure, increased efficiency in ATP (energy) production and hormonal changes.1
  3. Another possible reason is that low carbohydrate intake may increase cortisol levels (stress hormone).1 Cortisol is involved in gluconeogenesis, the process in the human body that produces glucose when blood sugar level is low (for example in the morning after overnight fast). High cortisol level leads to muscle breakdown and abdominal fat retention.

However, high carbohydrate diets are not for everyone, some people are carbohydrate sensitive. Often individuals who have a higher body fat percentage respond better to a lower carbohydrate diet. Also, genetics plays an important role. People who have a lower copy number of AMY1 gene (encoding starch digesting enzymes) have 8-fold higher odds to become obese on a starch-rich diet.3 For them a diet high in carbohydrates does not make a lot of sense (at least when starch is used as carbohydrate source). Foods that contain simple sugars, such as fruits, may be a better carbohydrate source.

Bottom lineDon’t cut your calorie intake too much. It seems like slower, more careful dieting strategy makes more sense than drastic calorie reduction, as often seen in trendy crash diets.

Don't do too much cardio. Lift weights instead.

Don't remove carbohydrates from your diet, if you don't have a good reason to do so. It is more likely that the success of most low-carb diets is due to reduced caloric intake in combination with increased protein intake. Cutting out carbs often means restricting junk food consumption. Removing calorie dense food with 'addictive potential'is likely to have higher contribution to weight loss than carbohydrate restriction.


  1. Trexler, E. T., Smith-Ryan, A. E. & Norton, L. E. Metabolic adaptation to weight loss: implications for the athlete. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr.11, 7 (2014).
  2. Robinson, S. L., Lambeth-Mansell, A., Gillibrand, G., Smith-Ryan, A. & Bannock, L. A nutrition and conditioning intervention for natural bodybuilding contest preparation: case study. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr.12, 1–11 (2015).
  3. Falchi, M. et al. Low copy number of the salivary amylase gene predisposes to obesity. Nat. Genet.46, 492–7 (2014).

How to fit my macros?

In the fitness world the term ‘macros’ means the macronutrient distribution of the three macronutrients - carbohydrates, protein and fat (as percent of total calories consumed or grams) - that an individual aims to eat during the day. The ‘ideal’ macronutrient distribution is an individual and goal dependent thing. Whereas, some people thieve on a higher carbohydrate diet, others prefer diets high in fat. Indeed, within a certain range there is the freedom of shifting the nutrient ratios according to the personal preference. As is often the case, there is no ‘one size fits all’ solution. However, not to run the risk of becoming deficient in a certain nutrient, the macros of an healthy individuals should be somewhere within the acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges:1

  • 45-65% of consumed calories should come from carbohydrates
  • 20-35% from fat
  • 10-35% from protein

A possible danger of a chronic overconsumption of one of the nutrients may result in the inadequate intake of other essential nutrients.2

Carbohydrates are an important fuel source for the human body. Especially for endurance athletes, insufficient carbohydrate intake can lead to a decrease in athletic performance.

Sufficient protein intake is not only important for muscle hypertrophy, but also for many other important processes in the human body: organs and bone tissue consist of protein, nonstructural proteins, such as enzymes, antibodies and hormones, have vital functions and are negatively affected by poor nutrition.3

Fats have numerous important functions in the human body. They are essential building blocks for many molecules and are essential for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E and K and carotenoids. Essential fatty acids are required for the formation of healthy cell membranes, proper brain and nervous system development and function and hormone production. Insufficient fat intake can lead to scaly skin, dermatitis, reduced growth, and in some populations to hematologic disturbance and diminished immune response. Eating a low fat diet (less than 15% of calories) can harm health and athletic performance.2,3

Many individuals, following a plant-based diet often have the difficulty of balancing their macros to get the desired distribution. The most common problem is overdoing on carbs or fat and not getting enough protein (for more information on protein requirements see reference 4). It often is a challenge to find the right food combinations to hit the desired targets.

For this reason, it is critical to strike a balance between the consumed foods. There are different food categories most whole foods fall into, either they are high in carbs and lower in protein and fat, or high in fat and lower in protein and carbs or some of them have a near equal amount of all three macronutrients. Category four (vegan high protein food) consists mostly of protein that was isolated from other sources.

To avoid the problem of overconsumption of carbs or fat and not getting enough protein, a meal plan should include food from all 3 or 4 categories (depending on individual goals) and not only from one category.

Of course, it is optimal to plan what to eat a day or even the week ahead.

However, if you realize in the course of the day that you had

  • too many carbs -> choose food from categories 2, 3 & 4
  • too much fat -> choose food from categories 1, 3 & 4
  • too many carbs and too much fat -> choose food from categories 3 & 4

for the rest of the day.

food categories copy
food categories copy

Interested in high-protein, diet-friendly, vegan treats that fit your macos? Get your free recipe ebookby subscribing to my list ;-) 

Bottom line

It is not too complicated to hit the desired macros on a plant-based diet. However, it requires the knowledge of the nutrient content of your food and some planning ahead.

Side note

In my opinion, giving the macronutrient distribution in percent is less optimal, because percent of consumed macronutrient dependent on a total calorie intake. Calorie intake varies depending on the individual goals (e.g. weight gain or loss) and basing macro calculations on it can lead to misleading results.

Just to give an example: if a person on a 2300 kcal diet consumes 150 g protein a day, it results in 26% protein of total energy consumed and is within the acceptable macronutrient distribution range (10-35% from protein). However, if the same person decides to lose weight and decreases calorie intake to 1500 kcal per day keeping protein intake constant, the same amount of consumed protein (150 g) result in 40% protein of total energy consumed, which is out of the acceptable macronutrient distribution range. The general recommendation for individuals following a plant-based diet or those who try to lose weight, is consuming at least 2 g protein per kg of body weight.3 For this reason, I think that calculations for macronutrient requirements should be based on body weight and macronutrient percentages of total energy should be secondary.


  1. Phillips S. M., British Journal of Nutrition (2012), 108, S158–S167.
  2. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10490&page=R1
  3. Essentials of strength training and conditioning, third edition, T.R. Baechle and R.W. Earle
  4. https://sciencestrength.wordpress.com/2015/02/23/how-much-protein-do-active-people-need-on-a-plant-based-diet/

Three possible reasons why you can’t adhere to a healthy diet

Hunger is not the only factor that determines what, when and how much we eat. The best, nutritionally individualized and satiating diet will fail if other factors, such as the mood state, work against it. Many different factors drive our eating behavior. Three of the possible reasons why we eat too much without being hungry, choose the food that is bad for us although we know it better and do not adhere to our diet are explained below. Mood state1

What can be better than a delicious chocolate cake to fight bad mood. Chocolate is the solution for any problem, right?

Bad mood, anxiety and depression makes many people picking “comfort food” with a high fat and sugar content. Overeating is the obvious consequence. On the other hand, long-term consumption of a high-fat and sugar diet, as well as overeating, leads to depression and anxiety. A vicious cycle follows. Overeating, often observed in obesity, affects the brain in a similar manner as drug intake, impairing mechanisms that are involved in decision-making, self-control, stress- and mood regulation. This suggests that some people do not overindulge because they don’t want to be healthy, but because they are addicted to unhealthy food. Here the best advise would be: Do not even start consuming drugs!


Too many thing on the ‘to do list’, not enough time - job, family, daily duties… who doesn’t know this problem?

Here again, stress leads to calorie-rich food choices and stimulates hunger.1,2 Also, inadequate sleep has a negative influence on food intake by increasing appetite. Sleep depravation elevates the level of the “hunger hormone” ghrelin and decreases the production of the “satiety hormone” leptin.3 Guess what? I can foresee a ‘cookie-attack’, especially considering how difficult it is to have enough willpower to resist temptations when tired. Speaking of cookies, in a research study examining the importance of focusing on food during meals, subjects who were distracted during meals by other activities consumed significantly more cookies later the day than the subjects who focused on their meals. These findings suggest that we have something like food memory that controls our appetite. Eating during work, in front of a computer or watching TV impedes our meal memory and increases the probability that we a higher desire to snack later.4

Take away message? – De-stress, sleep enough and focus on your meals to reduce the changes of overeating on wrong foods.


You are consistent with your diet when you are at home and make poor food choices or overeat when you eat out? Have you ever wondered why occasions, such as parties, eating out with friends or having lunch at canteen at work challenge a healthy diet?

First of all, outside home there are more options, more dishes and more foods we want to try. A greater food variety leads to higher food consumption and is associated with weight gain. In contrast, limiting the available food is related to weight loss.5 The same applies for the weekly shopping, if you want to have some kind of “comfort food” at home, limit your selection. Don’t buy chips, chocolate, cookies, ice cream and Co. all at once, as the chances are higher that you will overeat.

Also, social environment dictates how much we eat. To facilitate social interactions and acquire social acceptance we tend to match our food intake to that of the people around us.6 Consequently, being surrounded by people who eat more than we do encourages us to eat more. In this case, probably the best thing is to increase the own self-esteem in order to decrease the need to affiliate with other people.

Bottom line

Factors that determine our eating behavior are very complex and interconnected. Mostly, there isn’t only one single factor that ruins our diet. Sometimes, it makes sense to look at other important factors, psycho-biological or social for instance, than the diet itself to find out why we don’t see the desired progress. Possible reasons and solution approaches are summarized in the image below.

3 factors overeating bg
3 factors overeating bg


  1. Singh, M. Mood, food, and obesity. Front. Psychol.5, 1–20 (2014).
  2. Sominsky, L. & Spencer, S. J. Eating behavior and stress: A pathway to obesity. Front. Psychol.5, 1–8 (2014).
  3. Somogyi, V. et al. Endocrine factors in the hypothalamic regulation of food intake in females: a review of the physiological roles and interactions of ghrelin, leptin, thyroid hormones, oestrogen and insulin. Nutr. Res. Rev.24, 132–54 (2011).
  4. Higgs, S. & Donohoe, J. E. Focusing on food during lunch enhances lunch memory and decreases later snack intake. Appetite57, 202–206 (2011).
  5. Raynor, H. A. Can limiting dietary variety assist with reducing energy intake and weight loss? Physiol Behav.29, 997–1003 (2012).
  6. Robinson, E., Tobias, T., Shaw, L., Freeman, E. & Higgs, S. Social matching of food intake and the need for social acceptance. Appetite56, 747–752 (2011).
  7. Young, S. N. How to increase serotonin in the human brain without drugs. 32, 394–399 (2007).
  8. https://sciencestrength.wordpress.com/2015/03/03/bcaa-supplementation-benefits-and-risks/

The fattening hormone insulin - falsely accused

Insulin is crucial for the control of numerous metabolic processes and is essential for our bodies. Sadly, this important hormone has a very bad reputation being considered to be ‘fattening’. In general, it is true that insulin’s task consists in shifting metabolic processes towards energy storage and carbohydrate utilization. However, this does not mean that insulin makes a person fat. It is calorie overconsumption what causes weight gain.


The role of insulin1

Insulin is a regulatory hormone that is secreted when we consume carbohydrate and/or protein-rich food. Insulin acts like a break by signaling the body that processes involved in release of stored energy have to be stopped and the consumed nutrients have to be stored.

In the fasted state - when we sleep for example - our bodies mobilize stored energy to support essential metabolic processes. Fatty acids are broken down and used to produce ketones to be utilized by various tissues as fuel. Liver glycogen (glucose storage) is broken down to maintain the required blood sugar level and support glucose-dependent processes in the brain and red blood cells. When liver glycogen decreases, our bodies start their own glucose production by using mostly amino acids as glucose building blocks. Muscle protein breakdown provided the required amino acids for glucose production.

After a meal, in the fed state, insulin levels rise and stop the described catabolic processes. Additionally, insulin facilitates nutrient uptake into the cells, for example by increasing the number of glucose transports on the cell surface. However, insulin is not necessarily required for glucose uptake.

What happens when insulin is lacking?1

The lack of insulin results in the absence of the described breaking mechanism. Such a condition occurs in diabetes type I. The breakdown of fat, glycogen and muscle tissue does not stop even in the fed state. The loss of control over these processes, leads to an steady increase in glucose and ketones in the blood stream. Uncontrolled ketone production causing abnormally high blood ketone levels decreases blood pH and can be fetal. However, this process, called ketoacidosis, should not be confused with controlled ketosis. Controlled ketosis occurs during long periods of fasting or on a ketogenic diet and is required to supply tissues with energy in form of ketones.

It is not only sugar that increases insulin

Although an increase in insulin levels is usually associated with sugar, it is important to note that essential amino acids, especially branched chain amino acids leucine, isoleucine and valine, lead to insulin secretion.2–4

Indeed, consumption of dairy products, such as milk and whey protein that are high in leucine, was shown to elevate insulin levels more than white bread despite lower measured blood glucose concentration overtime.5

Insulin promotes hunger and weight gain - truth or myth?

It is a wrong, widespread belief that insulin has ‘fattening’ prosperities. Actually, the opposite is the case. Insulin reduces appetite and food intake through its regulatory functions in the brain.6,7 In this context, it is likely that a drop in blood glucose levels and not necessarily the function of insulin results in hunger and increases food intake.8 Additional evidence provides the fact that high protein diet increases satiety despite spiking insulin levels.9

Bottom line

Insulin is demonized to be the bad hormone that makes us fat. Often, the success of low carb diets is justified with the argument that insulin levels are kept low. However, considering the fact that such diets are mostly high in protein the ‘low insulin argument’ does not apply, in my opinion. The success of low carb diets is mostly due to the satiating effect of protein and restricted food selection.

Insulin is NOT bad. This hormone is essential for our health and metabolic regulation. Although, insulin inhibits fat utilization in the fed state, it does not make us fat. Insulin levels start decreasing some time after a meal and are low when we sleep at night. That is when more fat is used as energy source. We should not obsess over hormonal response that occurs only for a limited time after a meal, but look at the entire 24-hour period. Here, it is balance between calorie expenditure what matters for body composition goals and not what happens after a single meal.


(1)     Sonksen, P.; Sonksen, J. Br. J. Anaesth.2000, 85, 69–79.

(2)     Loon, L. J. C. Van; Saris, W. H. M.; Verhagen, H.; Wagenmakers, A. J. M. 2000, 96–105.

(3)     Calbet, J. A. L.; Maclean, D. A. 2002, 2174–2182.

(4)     Floyd, J. C.; Fajans, S. S.; Conn, J. W.; Knopf, R. F.; Rull, J. J. Clin. Invest.1966, 45, 1487–502.

(5)     Nilsson, M.; Stenberg, M.; Frid, A. H.; Holst, J. J. Insulin2004, 1246–1253.

(6)     Kleinridders, A.; Ferris, H. a.; Cai, W.; Kahn, C. R. Diabetes2014, 63, 2232–2243.

(7)     Somogyi, V.; Gyorffy, a; Scalise, T. J.; Kiss, D. S.; Goszleth, G.; Bartha, T.; Frenyo, V. L.; Zsarnovszky, a Nutr. Res. Rev.2011, 24, 132–54.

(8)     Chaput, J.-P.; Tremblay, a Int. J. Obes. (Lond).2009, 33, 46–53.

(9)     Gerstein, D. E.; Woodward-Lopez, G.; Evans, A. E.; Kelsey, K.; Drewnowski, A. J. Am. Diet. Assoc.2004, 104, 1151–3.

Calories in vs. calories out – why a "wrong” calorie diet is doomed to failure

Calories in vs. calories out – this is definitely NOT the only determining factor for a successful fat loss diet. We don’t eat just calories. We eat food composed of different nutrients. Different nutrients have different effects on our bodies. For this reason, the same number of calories coming from different sources - fat, protein or carbohydrates – leads to different hormonal responses.1 To go one step further: some food may even be addictive.2 A fat loss diet filled with “wrong” calories and addictive foods is doomed to failure. HORMONES & BODY COMPOSITION

Our bodies secrete many hormones responsible for body composition and satiety regulation: the appetite-suppressing hormone leptin or blood sugar lowering and anabolic hormone insulin, just to name two. Different types of nutrients lead to the formation of different hormones. Some of these hormones promote satiety and energy expenditure, others hunger and energy storage. Eating hunger-promoting foods is certainly undesirable when fat loss is the personal goal. A hunger-promoting effect has been suggested for the consumption of concentrated sources of rapidly absorbable carbohydrates, such as sugary and/or starchy processed foods, because they lead to rapid insulin secretion. Insulin drives the ingested nutrients into the cells causing a brisk drop in blood sugar. This results in food cravings, because the body wants to restore the blood sugar level. It is important to note that in contrast to the popular belief, insulin is not the 'fattening' hormone, it is a satiety hormone.

Additionally, the overconsumption of rapidly absorbable carbohydrates may promote resistance to the satiety hormone leptin by inducing changes in gut microbiota.1 Replacing sugar by non-caloric artificial sweeteners does not necessarily solve this problem. Some sweeteners, such as saccharine, sucralose and aspartame, may promote glucose intolerance and alter gut microbiota. The changed gut microbiota contains bacteria that are more efficient in energy extraction, thus, can get more energy out of the foods we eat. Such alternation in gut microbiota* has previously been associated with diabetes and obesity.3


Rapidly absorbable refined carbohydrates not only activate physiological pathways unfavorable for fat loss, but also may lead to addictive-like eating behavior. Fat addition makes it even worse. Chocolate, pizza, ice cream & Co. are the top candidates for addictive foods.2 Also, some research indicates, that excessive fat consumption decreases dopamine production in the brain and is a possible reason for overeating. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that is responsible brain’s reward mechanisms, also mediating the reinforcing effects of foods.4


Ideally, a ‘bulletproof ‘ fat loss diet should consist of foods that

  • have a high satiating effect
  • don’t promote hunger and energy storage
  • don’t result in addictive-like eating behavior

Foods high in protein and fiber have probably the most potent effect on satiety.5,6 Also, foods with high water content are beneficial. When it comes to carbohydrates, choose whole foods with slowly absorbed carbohydrates, such as vegetables, whole grains and fruits (this excludes fruit juices).1,5 Avoid processed foods, high in starchy, sugary carbs and fat, as such foods promote hunger and addictive-like eating behavior.1,2 Also, the consumption of non-caloric artificial sweeteners seems to have a negative effect on health and weight management.3


Dieting is hard anyway. We should not make it even harder by choosing foods that makes us hungry and lead to overeating because of their 'addiction-promoting' nutrient composition. There are days when we are stressed, tired and less motivated. On such days, we don't have the will power to resist temptations and then it is particularity important to have an 'inherently safe' diet.

*Side note: There are many different factors that can influence gut microbiota. Mostly, there isn't a single culprit for negative health outcomes. In my opinion, insufficient fiber consumption is the most factors that fosters negative changes in gut microbiota.



(1)     Lucan, S. C.; DiNicolantonio, J. J. Public Health Nutr. 2015, 18, 571–81.

(2)     Schulte, E. M.; Avena, N. M.; Gearhardt, A. N. PLoS One 2015, 10, e0117959.

(3)     Suez, J.; Korem, T.; Zeevi, D.; Zilberman-Schapira, G.; Thaiss, C. a.; Maza, O.; Israeli, D.; Zmora, N.; Gilad, S.; Weinberger, A.; Kuperman, Y.; Harmelin, A.; Kolodkin-Gal, I.; Shapiro, H.; Halpern, Z.; Segal, E.; Elinav, E. Nature 2014.

(4)     Tellez, L. a.; Medina, S.; Han, W.; Ferreira, J. G.; Licona-Limon, P.; Ren, X.; Lam, T. T.; Schwartz, G. J.; de Araujo, I. E. Science (80-. ). 2013, 341, 800–802.

(5)     Gerstein, D. E.; Woodward-Lopez, G.; Evans, A. E.; Kelsey, K.; Drewnowski, A. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 2004, 104, 1151–3. (6)     Arora, T.; Sharma, R.; Frost, G. Appetite 2011, 56, 511–5.

(6)     Arora, T.; Sharma, R.; Frost, G. Appetite 2011, 56, 511–5.

Why you can't calculate how many calories YOU really need

What is the ideal calorie intake for my goals? How can I calculate calories I burned during exercise? These are two frequently asked questions. However, nobody can give a precise answer. Well, you could get a very good estimate if you spend 24 hours in a metabolic chamber to determine the energy expenditure. However, who has the access to such a facility?

The numbers used by professionals or in calorie calculators are rough estimates derived from scientific studies. It is important not to forget that scientists publish means. The numbers give the average of an entire subject group. Individuals can be subjected to large variations and their calorie requirements can be more than 500 kcal above or below average. The image below shows how a possible energy expenditure distribution among subjects of an examined group can look like.

TEE vs age
TEE vs age

Individual energy requirements are dependent on many factors, such as weight, age, gender, genetics and the activity level.1 Only some of these factors can be considered in a generalized equitation.

Age - Increasing age leads to decreased energy expenditure, not only during rest, but also during exercise and for body’s metabolic processes, such as food digestion.1

Gender – Women spend on average 16% less energy than men.1 However, some studies have shown that it's not the gender but the amount of the lean body mass that is responsible for the higher energy expenditure in men compared to women (men have relatively more of the more ‘energy consuming’ muscle mass than women).4,5

Genetics – Differences in body composition in the range of 25-50% can be attributed to genetics variability. Because more muscle mass requires more energy supply, it is likely that this leads to increased energy expenditure.1

Exercise - Physical activity contributes to a lesser extent to the total energy expenditure when compared to the basal energy expenditure. The basal energy expenditure is the energy that is needed to sustain metabolic activities, to maintain blood circulation, respiration and other essential processes in the human body.1

It is difficult to determine how much energy a person spends during exercise. Although heart rate monitoring can give an estimate how intense a training session is, it doesn’t take into account the individual training level and the body composition of the trainee. Advanced trainees, especially endurance athletes, become more efficient with energy utilization, not only because of body’s adaptations to the training intensity but also because of more effective technique.2

Additionally, more individual variability is created by our digestive systems. An important question is not only how many calories we consume, but how many calories we absorb and utilize. Here, the composition of the individual gut microbiota may play a significant role. For instance, the microbiome of obese individuals was suggested to have the ability to extract more energy from food.3

Bottom line

Biological systems, including humans, are chaotic and influenced by many unpredictable factors. We can’t put precise numbers on energy dependent processes in the human body. If you want to achieve a specific goal determine your starting point, meaning your current caloric intake, first. Increase or decrease it by 200-500 kcal/day, depending on your goal (weight gain or loss) and monitor how your body reacts. If you don't see the desired changes after 2-3 weeks, make further adjustments.


  1. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?isbn=0309085373
  2. T.R. Baechle, R.W. Earle, Essentials of strength training and conditioning, third edition
  3. Turnbaugh, P. J., Ley, R. E., Mahowald, M. a, Magrini, V., Mardis, E. R., & Gordon, J. I. (2006). An obesity-associated gut microbiome with increased capacity for energy harvest. Nature, 444(7122), 1027–31.
  4. Johnstone, A.M., Murison,S.D., Duncan, J.S., Rance,K.A. & Speakman, J.R. (2005). Factors influencing variation in basal metabolic rate include fat-free mass, fat mass, age, and circulating thyroxine but not sex, circulating leptin, or triiodothyronine. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 82, 941-948.
  5. Lazzer, S., Bedogni, G., Lafortuna, C.L., Marazzi, N., Busti, C., Galli, R. De Col, A., Agosti, F., & Sartorio, A. (2010), Relationship between basal metabolic rate, gender, age, and body composition in 8,780 white obese subjects. Obesity,18(1), 71-78.

BCAA supplementation - benefits and risks

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) is a popular supplement among athletes. BCAA is a mixture of three essential amino acids - leucine, isoleucine and valine - that cannot be produced in the human body, however, have may important biological functions. Leucine, for instance, gives the signal to for muscle protein synthesis initiation and is crucial for muscle hypertrophy (more details in my earlier post about meal planning for maximising muscle protein synthesis). Research studies have shown several benefits of BCAA supplementation:

BCAA and weight reduction - During dieting cycles, when muscle glycogen and muscle glucose concentrations are low, BCAAs can by burned as fuel and preserve muscle mass.(1,2)

BCAA as muscle building supplement – It has been speculated that BCAA ingestion after exercise can reduce protein degradation and increases muscle protein synthesis beyond normal adaptations. However, this study was conducted on untrained individuals. Whether the results can be transferred to resistance trained athletes is not clear.(1)

BCAA for performance enhancement – BCAA intake during prolonged exercises theoretically improves perception of fatigue. However, research data shows mixed results.(2) A possible reason why no clear data is available may be the fact, that BCAA inhibit brain uptake of other amino acids, such as tryptophan and tyrosine.

Tyrosine is the precursor molecule for compounds called catecholamines. These compounds are produced in the brain and are associated with enhanced physical performance. In theory, the positive effect of BCAA as performance enhancer may be reduced because BCAA also diminish catecholamine production.(3,4)

Tryptophan is a building block for the neurotransmitter serotonin. High BCAA concentration in blood decreases tryptophan uptake into the brain. Since serotonin is associated with fatigue during exercise, BCAA intake has a positive effect on performance, in this case.(3,4) However, this is not the end of the story. Serotonin is also known as the happiness hormone. Higher serotonin concentration results in a better mood.

Practical tips:


Some research suggests that addition of tyrosine (to prevent decline in catecholamine production) to BCAA can lead to performance enhancement. However, no research was performed on humans addressing this topic, up to date.(4) Many studies have been carried out in rodents. The results of these studies may not necessarily apply to humans, as metabolism in humans and rodents differs.(1) More research data is necessary to draw solid conclusions.


Tryptophan (building block for happiness hormone) competes with other amino acids for brain uptake. Thus, the ‘tryptophan to total amino acid’ ratio is crucial and not simply tryptophan amount. Protein-rich meals, for example, were shown to decrease happiness, as tryptophan is outcompeted by other amino acids (especially essential amino acids), which results in a poor tryptophan brain uptake from the blood stream. For this reason, foods high in tryptophan and low in protein may have the highest mood boosting effect. In contrast, carbohydrate-rich meals have been shown to enhance the mood, as they indirectly boost tryptophan uptake into the brain. Mechanism of action: carb rich meals lead to an increase in insulin level. Insulin makes our cells (e.g. muscle) taking up various amino acids, especially BCAA, leaving more tryptophan in the blood stream. This increases ‘tryptophan to total amino acid’ ratio in our blood stream and results in a higher tryptophan uptake by our brains. More tryptophan in our brains results in a higher serotonin production and our mood increases.(5)

Bottom line:

In my opinion, BCAA supplementation makes sense during cutting cycles to preserve muscle mass. Whether BCAA supplementation improves muscle protein synthesis in trained individuals is questionable. Here, the total protein intake (especially essential amino acids) is the more important factor. Also, it is is not clear if BCAA supplementation is beneficial for performance improvement. Hard, well-planned and focused training is probably the better option to improve performance than relaying on any supplement. Those who notice a state of low mood caused by BCAA supplementation or a high protein diet should focus on consumption of tryptophan and carbohydrate-rich food and consider to stop supplementing with BCAA. Supplementation with tryptophan to counteract the mood lowering effects of BCAA is not the best option, as tryptophan supplementation can lead to several side effects.

References: (1) http://www.jissn.com/content/11/1/20 (2) http://www.jissn.com/content/7/1/7 (3) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22677921 (4) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23904096 (5) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12499331

How much protein do active people need on a plant based diet

Why do vegans need more protein? “Although dietary recommendations are stated as protein requirements, the actual requirement is for amino acids.”(1) Plant protein sources tend to be low in one or more of the essential amino acids (amino acids the body cannot produce). For this reason it is important to consume a variety of plant foods that provide different amino acids.

RDA of 0.8 g/kg (0.36 g/pounds) of body weight was determined using two-thirds or more of protein sources high in essential amino acids. Also, RDA is the MINIMUM daily average dietary intake level that meets the nutrient requirements. It is not the nutrient intake for optimal performance. RDA is the nutrient intake at which the risk of inadequacy is very small (2-3%).(2)


Requirements of individuals who diet to lose weight (negative calorie balance) or who consume plant proteins are higher (especially for vegans who try to lose weight).

Active individuals have increased protein requirements 

These numbers apply for individuals consuming protein sources high in essential amino acids:

  • Aerobic endurance athletes require 1.4 g/kg (0.64g/lbs) of body weight
  • Individuals performing heavy resistance training require up to 1.7 g/kg (0.77 g/lbs) of body weight
  • General recommendation for athletes not falling neatly into one category is 1.5 to 2.0 g/kg (0.68 to 0.91 g/lbs) of body weight

Athletes consuming a VEGAN diet or RESTRICTING CALORIES may require more than 2.0 g/kg (0.91 g/lbs) of body weight.

How much protein is too much?

Athletes with impaired renal function or low calcium intake or those who are restricting fluid intake, should not consume more than 4.0 g/kg (1.82g/lbs) of body weight per day.


1. Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning 3rd Edition

2. http://www.nap.edu/openbook.php?record_id=10490&page=R1

Meal strategies for more gains

Eat every two to three hours and you will gain muscle and burn fat! The belief that frequent consumption of smaller meals enhances muscle protein synthesis is wide spread in the bodybuilding community. However, there is a lack of scientific evidence that a frequent meal pattern raises energy expenditure and improves body composition.1

Improving body composition implies losing fat and gaining muscle for most people in the athletic community. For fat loss as a goal, it is fairly simple – it requires energy deficit. The issue with muscle gain is a little bit trickier. In the human body there is a balance between muscle protein breakdown and the synthesis of new proteins (protein turnover). If muscle protein breakdown predominates, we lose muscle. If muscle protein synthesis prevails, we gain muscle. Following, I explain nutritional strategies how to increase muscle protein synthesis in order to shift protein turnover towards muscle protein synthesis.

meal strategies
meal strategies

General guideline

Consume larger protein doses (25-50 g protein per meal) every 4-5 hours to maximize muscle protein synthesis.

Meal frequency

Some research suggests that consuming 4 protein-rich meals a day is more beneficial than spreading protein intake evenly throughout the day2

Protein dose

The essential amino acid leucine plays an important role in muscle protein synthesis. It is necessary to reach the upper end of the leucine threshold (1.7-3.5 g leucine per meal) in order to obtain the highest response.3

For individual who are new to resistance training the lower end of the protein dose range (1-1.7 g leucine) seems to be sufficient to achieve high anabolic response.4,8 However, the elderly (and maybe even advanced trainees) should try to reach the upper end of this leucine threshold (~3.5 g).5

Plant protein sources contain approximately 6-8% leucine.3 This means, that a protein amount between 24 g and 50 g should be consumed per meal to reach the dose for optimal anabolic response.

(Explanation: If I assume that 7% leucine is the average value for the leucine content of plant protein sources, then I can calculate that 1.7 g leucine is present in 24 g protein and 3.5 g leucine in 50 g plant protein)

Between meals high carbohydrate (low protein) foods seem to be good snack options. The idea is to raise plasma insulin level. The rate of muscle protein synthesis and plasma insulin level drop at the same time (approx. 3 hours after a meal), whereas the leucine concentration stays still elevated in the blood steam.6

Also, some research suggests that essential amino acid intake between meals leads to increased anabolic response.7 A possible explanation is that the ingestion of rapidly digested, free amino acids can result in a supraphysiological amino acid rise in the blood stream and induce muscle protein synthesis.6 However, in this study7 the group that received essential amino acids in addition to normal meal, had a higher total protein intake compared to the control group. For this reason, the results of this study are not conclusive in my opinion.


Food combinations listed above provide 24-30 g protein per serving (at least 1.7g leucine). For more than 30 g protein the suggested serving size should be increased. Another option is the utilization of protein powder. You can add it to pancakes, bread or soups for instance, to increase the protein content or have protein bar/cookie/brownie/muffin as dessert after each meal.

Post-workout recommendations:

For elderly individuals: ~45-50g rice or pea protein

For beginners: at least 25g rice or pea protein

For trained individuals: 33-40g rice or pea protein

Notes The guidelines presented here are based on research studies. However, scientists publish means. The published findings don’t necessarily apply to each single individual. Also, the outcome of a study depends on several factors, such as the examined individuals (young, elderly, resistance trained, newbies, etc.) and the used protocol that is often difficult to follow in the real life (e.g. calorie and nutrient matched liquid meals). For this reason, please, take the suggestions I made as a guideline. Your muscle won’t fall off if you can’t precisely follow these guidelines.


(1)     Helms, E. R.; Aragon, A. a; Fitschen, P. J. J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr.2014, 11, 20.

(2)     Norton LE, Wilson GJ. Optimal protein intake to maximize muscle protein synthesis and frequency for athletes. AgroFOOD Ind hi-tech. 2009;20(2):54–7.

(3)     Joy, J. M.; Lowery, R. P.; Wilson, J. M.; Purpura, M.; De Souza, E. O.; Wilson, S. M.; Kalman, D. S.; Dudeck, J. E.; Jäger, R. Nutr. J.2013, 12, 86.

(4)     Babault, N.; Païzis, C.; Deley, G.; Guérin-Deremaux, L.; Saniez, M.-H.; Lefranc-Millot, C.; Allaert, F. A J. Int. Soc. Sports Nutr.2015, 12, 3.

(5)     Aragon, A. A.; Schoenfeld, B. J. 2013.

(6)     Norton, L. E.; Wilson, G. J. 54–57.

(7)     Paddon-Jones, D.; Sheffield-Moore, M.; Aarsland, A.; Wolfe, R. R.; Ferrando, A. A Am. J. Physiol. Endocrinol. Metab.2005, 288, E761–7.

(8)     Cuthbertson, D.; Smith, K.; Babraj, J.; Leese, G.; Waddell, T.; Atherton, P.; Wackerhage, H.; Taylor, P. M.; Rennie, M. J The FASEB journal. 2005, 19, 422-424.

Post workout nutrient timing – what should I eat, when and why?

When it comes to post-workout nutrition, the typical recommendation is eating protein and carbohydrates immediately after workout and to avoid fat and fiber. The theory is pretty simple:

Protein consumption is supposed to stop muscle protein breakdown and induce muscle protein synthesis.

The purpose of carbohydrate ingestion is to replenish glycogen stores and spike insulin (anabolic hormone) to promote muscle protein synthesis.

The general, the recommendation to avoid fat and fiber post workout, is based on the fact that these nutrients slow down the absorption of other nutrients. Slower carbohydrate uptake means smaller rise in blood sugar and less insulin release.

So far the theory… What about the practice?1

Consume carbohydrates to …

…replenish glycogen stores:

It makes sense to refill glycogen stores immediately after exercise for those, who train twice a day or have less than 8-hours between training sessions. This applies especially to endurance athletes. For strength athletes is fast glycogen replenishment of minor importance. Moderate volume high-intensity resistance training with 6-9 sets per muscle group was shown to reduce glycogen stores by less than 40%. Glycogen is usually replenished within 24 hours provided that daily energy needs are met.

…maximize the rate of muscle protein synthesis:

There is lack of data supporting the theory that the consumption of carbohydrates immediately after training enhances muscle protein synthesis (except after overnight fast). Meeting total daily carbohydrate needs seems to be by far more important than carbohydrate timing.

However, there is solid evidence that protein consumption after workout is beneficial for muscle protein synthesis. The question is how much protein and when?

If resistance training is performed after an overnight fast, it is important to consume protein and carbohydrates immediately after workout to transfer the body from catabolic to anabolic state.

If a protein-rich meal is consumed pre-workout, it has an influence on amino acid level in the blood stream during and after workout. For this reason, further protein ingestion immediately after workout is not required.

Protein consumption within 1-2 hours post-workout should be enough to maximize recovery and muscle protein synthesis.

However, if the last meal was 3-4 hours before training, consumption of at least 25g protein immediately after workout can be beneficial.

General guidelines

Consume 0.4-0.5 g protein per kg of lean body mass in both pre- and post-exercise meals to maximize muscle gains.

Pre- and post-exercise meals shouldn’t be more than 3-4 hours apart (5-6 hours for large mixed meals). 

Special cases:

Influence of training status

Advanced trainees have to pay more attention to protein timing and type than untrained individuals. A protein source high in leucine was suggested to enhance protein synthesis in trained individuals (leucine is the essential amino acid that gives the signal to start muscle protein synthesis).

Influence of age

Some research suggests that elderly individuals exhibit ‘anabolic resistance’. For this reason, a higher post-exercise protein dose is required to achieve the same response to training in comparison to younger subjects.

Plant vs. animal protein sources

Plant protein sources have a slightly lower leucine content than animal proteins. For this reason, it is makes sense to consume a higher amount of plant protein (e.g. 45-50g rice protein) than recommended for animal protein, at least for resistance trained individuals.

It is likely that the total leucine intake is the significant factor for muscle protein synthesis and not the source. The upper threshold for optimal anabolic response is between 1.7-3.5g leucine. Overshooting (more than 3.5g leucine post-workout) doesn’t stimulate muscle protein synthesis to a higher extent.2

Beginners seem to benefit in the same way from an equal amount (25g) of either plant or animal protein supplement (pea or whey protein).3

What about fat?

There is no convincing evidence that fat impedes glycogen synthesis. Addition of 165g fat to post workout meal did not have a negative influence on muscle glycogen content 24 hours after depletion.1

The same applies for muscle protein synthesis. It is likely to be neither beneficial nor disadvantageous. Interestingly, a research study suggests that the consumption of whole milk post-workout results in increased utilization of available amino acids for protein synthesis compared to fat-free milk.4 It seems like fat post-workout is not that bad at all.

Bottom line

It is about your goal and type of training. If you are an endurance athlete or strength athlete performing very high volume glycogen depleting training sessions and your training sessions are less than 8 hours apart, then consume carbohydrates post workout. Protein should be consumed immediately after workout for fasted training or if the last meal was at least 3-4 hours before training session. Post-workout fat consumption seems not to harm or benefit.

In general, the daily total energy and nutrient intake is more important than the timing.